Venue: Tatranské Zruby

Date: October 18th – 20th 2000

Number of presentations: 68

Number of posters: 16

Number of foreign presentations: 40 (from Czech republic, Hungary, Austria, Romania, Italy, Switzerland, USA)

Number of registered participants: 191

S.S.A. SkMA Honorary Membership:

  1. prof. MUDr. J. Bartoš, DrSc., Nový Bor, Czech republic
    (on the occasion of his jubilee)

Silver medal of SkMA:

  1. doc. MUDr. M. Holomáň, CSc., Bratislava, Slovakia
    (on the occasion of his jubilee)
  2. doc. MUDr. F. Žernovický, CSc., Bratislava, Slovakia
    (on the occasion of his jubilee)

Bronze medal of SkMA:

  1. primár MUDr. J. Vaško, CSc., Prešov, Slovakia
    (on the occasion of his jubilee)